Midea " Trim components for blocks MCCU"

Suggested retail price

10,080- ... 37,170-hrv.

    For the connection of the condenser-condenser unit (MCCU) to the freon heat exchanger of the installation, the MIDEA company supplies the complete set (CCU) to the warehouse, which includes the filter of the drying system, the glade of the slope, the electromagnetism valve and the thermostatic valve.

    The filter of the dehumidification for a family member from a cold agent to a third party house and a wage.
    For dopomogoi oglyadovogo warehouse can otsіniti: stan kholodoagentu, yogo vologist i kilkist.
    The thermo-expansion valve (TRV) is a throttling extension, which regulates the fluidity of the coolant from the CCU into the freon-type heat exchanger of the central air conditioning unit.
    Electromagnetism valves over-curl freonoprodvodi with viklyuchennyi kompresora.

    Midea CCU table details

    Midea CCU table details