Midea "FA (BREEZLESS)" series

Suggested retail price

14,280- ... 15,330-hrv.


    The "Silence" - air conditioning reduces the fan speed of the indoor unit to a minimum, with the noise of the air conditioner as well reduced.

    Night Mode

    Mode is activated with the remote control and provides a comfortable environment for a peaceful and deep sleep during the 7-hour cycle with a temperature change of reference values​​, as well as setting the minimum noise level and economical energy consumption. After that, the temperature returns to the originally specified value.

    Refrigerant Leakage Detect

    Its a electronical function of Main PCB and self-diagnostic system into AC.

    When pipe-temperature sensor at inlet line of evaporator will indicate highest temperature, system will indicate "EC" code in a display of indoor units, its mean "ask for service centre for visit maintance team with leakage detectors and tools"

    Wind Sprayer

    An additional airflow divider located behind the main blinds ensures, when activated by the user, a smooth and flooring air flow in the room, excluding the formation of the "draft" effect and supercooling of closely located people.

    Dry Mode

    Dry mode automatically selects cooling, based on the difference between fixed and temparaturoy actual room temperature. The temperature is regulated while reducing humidity repeated switching on and off of the cooling and ventilation only. when the dry mode on the remote control shows "Drop"


    Tthe «Turbo» function - when you turn on this mode, air conditioning provides the most rapid cooling or heating, to create comfortable conditions in the shortest possible time.

    Multi-Bend Heat Exchanger

    Increased heat. This unit uses the heat exchangers with tubes of a special design, the inner surface of which has trapezoidal notches "Innergrove cooper", which provides maximum heat transfer surface area increased. Due to this heat increases by 28%, reduced power consumption, and hence increases the efficiency of the system.

    Wide angle air flow

    The vertical louvers of Midea air conditioners swing at an angle of 110° (ordinary air conditioners only swing at 80°), while the horizontal louvers swing at 120° (ordinary air conditioners only swing at 90°). These more flexible louvers provide cooling which is wider and more even.

    The world's first air conditioner with two mini louvers. S-shaped side air outlets: increase efficiency in addition to front side air outlet louvers. Blinds with thousands of mini-works: 7928 mini-works are created in the slats of the blinds, breaking the general flow into separate “strings” and providing cooling without the “draft” effect, the blinds automatically adjust to one of three positions. Patented TwinFlap™ Technology: Equipped with two wide-angle vents designed for maximum cooling comfort. Thanks to the high front air outlet of 70 mm, and with the assistance of the fan at maximum speed, the BreezeleSS air conditioner can cool the surrounding space (room) very quickly.

    Model FA-09N8D6-I  FA-12N8D6-I 
    Power supply Ph-V-Hz 220-240V,1Ph,50Hz 220-240V,1Ph,50Hz
    Cooling Capacity                      Btu/h 9000 12000(4500~14900)
    Input            W 613 925(130~1700)
    Heating Capacity         Btu/h 13000(3000~15500) 13000(3000~15500)
    Input            W 907(120~1550) 907(120~1550)
    Indoor fan motor Model    ZKFP-20-8-6-7 ZKFP-20-8-6-7
    Input            W 50.0 50.0
    Speed(Hi/Mi/Lo) r/min 1150/1000/650 1150/1000/650
    Indoor air flow (Hi/Mi/Lo) m3/h 620/520/400 620/520/400
    Indoor noise level (Hi/Mi/Lo) dB(A) 38/33/20 38/33/20
    Indoor sound power level dB(A) 57.0 57.0
    Indoor unit Dimension(W*D*H) mm 940x193x325 940x193x325
    Packing   (W*D*H) mm 1055x385x290 1055x385x290
    Net/Gross weight   kg 10.6/13.8 10.6/13.8
    Refrigerant piping Liquid side/ Gas side   mm(inch) 6.35mm(1/4in)/9.52mm(3/8in) 6.35mm(1/4in)/9.52mm(3/8in)
    Thermostat type   遥控式(Remote Control) 遥控式(Remote Control)
    Room  temperature Indoor(cooling/ heating) 16~32/0~30 16~32/0~30

    Midea BreezeleSS+ Air Conditioner

    The latest progressive series of household split systems Midea BreezeleSS + on the new ozone-safe R32 freon. In the air conditioners of the Midea BreezeleSS + series, the developers used three unique developments designated by three S: Speed ​​(speed), Soft (comfort), Surround (volumetric coolness). The cooling rate is ensured by the ultra-high frequency of the compressor, the high speed of the fan and the wide (70 mm) perforated nanoholes of the indoor unit louver. All this allows the BreezeleSS + conditioner to reduce the indoor temperature in 40 seconds. The indoor unit provides increased user comfort due to the special design of the deflector (blinds), and this is the main distinguishing feature of this model. The air in the room is fed through 7928 holes in the shape of an hourglass at different angles. They simultaneously expand the air flow, accelerate and break it into trickles, making it incredibly enjoyable. BreezeleSS + reverses the concept of air conditioning, turning the cooling process into a unique sensation. In addition, BreezeleSS + is the first air conditioner that additionally supplies air from the side surfaces of the unit, thus cooling the room faster and more evenly.