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Aluminium heat exchanger with hydrophilic coating
Improved wettability of the heat exchanger aluminum plates which have a special coating with a hydrophilic layer, ensuring rapid removal of condensate from the indoor unit that does not allow to quickly form of mold and bacteria, providing a more efficient operation of the air conditioner.
Dry Mode
Dry mode automatically selects cooling, based on the difference between fixed and temparaturoy actual room temperature. The temperature is regulated while reducing humidity repeated switching on and off of the cooling and ventilation only. when the dry mode on the remote control shows "Drop"
- LED-display panels for yndykatsyy Temperature and code neyspravnostey
- Included in the package portable EXV (Electronic rasshyrytelnыy valve), which will establish neobhodimo on zhydkostnoy LINE at distances not more than 5 m vertically from the block.
- Application portable EXV-valve reduces noise and blocks Dimensions
- The board Output Control Connections for the drain pump, wire remote control
- In ysparytele yspolzovana Other special structure plates uvelychyvayuschaya Efficiency teploobmena