Midea "Indoor units MI2 MDV of duct type high-pressure, FADHN1 series"

Suggested retail price

89,880- ... 204,120-hrv.

    Central Controller

    1. The central controller is used for centralized management of indoor units (up to 64 indoor units can be connected via an adapter card).
    2. The indoor units can be divided into 20 zones, each zone can contain no more than 64 indoor units. All indoor units in one zone can only be set to the same mode. (By default, "the zone is not assigned to indoor units").
    3. Users can select the desired mode and temperature with a weekly schedule.

    High-pressure duct-type indoor units with 100% inflow of treated fresh air of the MI2-FADHN1 series are represented by models with a capacity of 12.5 to 56.0 kW, which allows using a branched air duct system for cooling / heating medium and large rooms with an area of ​​up to 560 square meters, rooms with high ceilings, where cooling / heating of large volumes of fresh air is required.

    Features and Benefits:

    •     DC fan motor
    •     High external static pressure (30 ~ 400Pa)
    •     Compact design
    •     Easy installation
    •     Low operating noise
    •     High Lift Sump Pump
    •     The maximum length of the air supply is about 14 m
    •     The maximum air delivery head is about 6.5 m
    •     100% fresh air supply
    Холодопроизводительность, кВт 12,5 14 20 25 28 45 56
    Теплопроизводительность, кВт 10,5 12 12,8 16 18 28 39
    Электропитание, (ВБ) V-Hz-ph 220-240-50-1 220-240-50-1 220-240-50-1 220-240-50-1 220-240-50-1 220-240-50-1 220-240-50-1
    Расход воздуха (ВБ), м3/ч 2000/1917/1833/1750
    ESP (диапазон), Па 180 (30-200) 180 (30-200) 200 (30-250) 200 (30-250) 200 (30-250) 300 (100-400) 300 (100-400)
    Уровень шума (ВБ), ДБ(A) 48/47/46/45/44/43/42 48/47/46/45/44/43/42 50/49/48/47/46/44/43 50/49/48/47/46/44/43 50/49/48/47/46/44/43 58/56/55/53/51/49/48 59/58/57/56/54/53/51
    Номинальная мощ-ть. охл.(Pn),кВт 0,480 0,480 0,850 0,850 0,850 1,080 2,272
    Хладагент. Тип R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A
    Размер ШхВхГ(ВБ), мм 1322*423*691 1322*423*691 1454*515*931 1454*515*931 1454*515*931 2005*929*670 2005*929*670
    Размер в упаковке, ШхВхГ(ВБ), мм 1436*450*768 1436*450*768 1509*550*990 1509*550*990 1509*550*990 2095*964*800 2095*964*800
    Вес Нетто (ВБ), кг 68 68 130 130 130 195 218
    Вес Брутто (ВБ), кг 76 76 142 142 142 215 248
    Диаметр труб (ДТ) 25 25 32 32 32 32 32
    Диаметр труб (ЖТ), мм(дюйм) 9,53 (3/8") 9,53 (3/8") 12,7(1/2") 12,7(1/2") 12,7(1/2") 15,88(5/8") 15,88(5/8")
    Диаметр труб (ГТ), мм(дюйм) 15,88 (5/8") 15,88 (5/8") 22,2(7/8") 22,2(7/8") 22,2(7/8") 28,6(1"1/8") 28,6(1"1/8")