Midea "indoor units of cassette type 4-direction "Compact", ATOM series"

Suggested retail price

15,330- ... 19,110-hrv.

Central Controller

  1. The central controller is used for centralized management of indoor units (up to 64 indoor units can be connected via an adapter card).
  2. The indoor units can be divided into 20 zones, each zone can contain no more than 64 indoor units. All indoor units in one zone can only be set to the same mode. (By default, "the zone is not assigned to indoor units").
  3. Users can select the desired mode and temperature with a weekly schedule.

Night Mode

Mode is activated with the remote control and provides a comfortable environment for a peaceful and deep sleep during the 7-hour cycle with a temperature change of reference values​​, as well as setting the minimum noise level and economical energy consumption. After that, the temperature returns to the originally specified value.

Dry Mode

Dry mode automatically selects cooling, based on the difference between fixed and temparaturoy actual room temperature. The temperature is regulated while reducing humidity repeated switching on and off of the cooling and ventilation only. when the dry mode on the remote control shows "Drop"

Multi-Bend Heat Exchanger

Increased heat. This unit uses the heat exchangers with tubes of a special design, the inner surface of which has trapezoidal notches "Innergrove cooper", which provides maximum heat transfer surface area increased. Due to this heat increases by 28%, reduced power consumption, and hence increases the efficiency of the system.