Main functions

Operating ambient temperatures
• Круговий (360°) сектор подачі повітряного потоку, ідеальне рішення для середніх і великих залів, громадських та офісних приміщень
• Вбудований дренажний насос з висотою підйому до 750 мм
• Можливість виводу сигналу аварії (сухий контакт)
• Цифровий 2-розрядний LED-індикатор
• Дротовий пульт KJR-120C(1) – опція
• Потужний вентилятор – висота монтажу блоку від 4,5 м дає можливість досягти повітряному потоку рівня підлоги
• Вентилятор зі структурою «Тривимірний гвинт»
• Можливість підключення повітропроводу до бокової панелі корпусу для подачі частини повітря в суміжне приміщення
• Можливість подачі в корпус повітропровода від припливної вентиляції діаметр 80 мм
• В стандатній комплектації блоків MCD1 панель: T-MBQ4-04A1,
• Тільки для MCD1 – опціонально поставляється панель Breezeles
T-MBQ4-04AWD з роздільним керуванням кожної шторкою жалюзі (для керування необхідно придбати пульт RM-12F)
Blue Fin
Blue fin heat exchanger cover - Protection against corrosion. Special anti-corrosion coating of the heat exchanger, protection from atmospheric phenomena and effects of aggressive environment. May differ in color (have blue, green, gold or no color at all (clear varnish)
The "Silence" - air conditioning reduces the fan speed of the indoor unit to a minimum, with the noise of the air conditioner as well reduced.
Aluminium heat exchanger with hydrophilic coating
Improved wettability of the heat exchanger aluminum plates which have a special coating with a hydrophilic layer, ensuring rapid removal of condensate from the indoor unit that does not allow to quickly form of mold and bacteria, providing a more efficient operation of the air conditioner.
Outdoor unit design "Brilliant"
Designers Midea did not forget about the exterior of the exterior unit of the air conditioner, which in itself is a rarity for climate technology. The outdoor unit is much more elegant than its counterparts, it has facets like a diamond, and attention to detail speaks of a high level of production and a carefully thought-out design concept.
360°Air Flow Panel
With the 360°air flow panel, the air can be distributed to every corner of the room.
Night Mode
Mode is activated with the remote control and provides a comfortable environment for a peaceful and deep sleep during the 7-hour cycle with a temperature change of reference values, as well as setting the minimum noise level and economical energy consumption. After that, the temperature returns to the originally specified value.
The mixing of fresh air
Organization of fresh air - by a separate duct (in a split system with such a function, the duct is usually a small diameter and is laid along the highway) ...
Redirecting the flow of air to neighboring rooms using air ducts
With the help of air ducts, it is possible to organize the redirection of part of the treated air flow to neighboring rooms.
Dry Mode
Dry mode automatically selects cooling, based on the difference between fixed and temparaturoy actual room temperature. The temperature is regulated while reducing humidity repeated switching on and off of the cooling and ventilation only. when the dry mode on the remote control shows "Drop"
Multi-Bend Heat Exchanger
Increased heat. This unit uses the heat exchangers with tubes of a special design, the inner surface of which has trapezoidal notches "Innergrove cooper", which provides maximum heat transfer surface area increased. Due to this heat increases by 28%, reduced power consumption, and hence increases the efficiency of the system.
Low Ambient Cooling
Low-temperature (season) set - used for the operation of the air conditioner in cooling mode at low ambient temperatures (usually provided in the air conditioner as an optional feature). The kit includes: the controller of the outdoor unit fan motor, compressor crankcase heater and heater drain line.
In some series of inverter split systems this option is implemented in hardware and software, thus if there is a need to use the air conditioner in the winter for cooling, you must install only drain the heater.
Reserved ON-OFF and Alarm Ports
ON-OFF Switch: With the reserved ports, a remote switch can be easily connected to a realize remote control. Alarm Port: The built-in PCB can output alarm signal, which makes setting up an external alarm light or vibration gauge possible.